Friday 7 November 2014




  • Upon watching the opening sequences to films like London to Brighton, Kidulthood and especially Bullet Boy I was inspired to create a sharp, raw, edgy and urban film opening sequence for my coursework
  • The aim was to edit it sharply so the action was continuous and always flowing but the shots themselves were raw and edgy with urban settings, setting up a space to project an image of social realism thriller.


  • My plot is still not entirely clear, and will depend on the actors I will use and the locations I am able to use. 
  • However, I have a rough idea that I am interested in a plot where the protagonist's life has dramatically changed (for worse) and is now under threat. I would like to cross cut between two locations ( past and present), creating a world of perspective and contrast between the relaxed banalities of their life before and the panic of their thrilling life. 
  • I picture the film beginning with an establishing shot of a room with the protagonist in it (their life before) cutting to a close tracked shot of them trapped in a room, someone (the threat) banning on the door of the room. the sequence continues to cut between these two locations, varying between steady calm camerawork in the past and many extreme close ups of action cut closely and quickly in the present so there is a sense of chase and intensity.
  • I'd like to finish the open sequence with the interspersed shots of two footsteps running ( of the same protagonist but for two different reasons - the past shots are running for exercise but the present is running for escape) ending with the title of the piece.
  • I hope the juxtaposition of these two locations, two different works of camerawork and editing and the contrast between fast pace action in the present and less action in the past.


  • I'm aiming to create a thrilling atmosphere in my work, something that is gripping because it's real and very stripped back rather than a flashy over dramatic blockbuster type of film. 
  • in order to convey a thrilling sense of social realism, both with the plot and interspersion of shots filled with action and with less action, I hope to present a sense of stripped back edgy raw urbanism through the camerawork
  • although including important shots like close ups, two shots, point of view shots, establishing shots and pans, I aim to create a very real perspective from the camera work, as if the audience is there in the room with the characters.
  • I'll do this by changing the style of camerawork depending on the shot and the narrative of the scene it's filming: camerawork filming the past with be steady and simple including more mid shots as a posed to close shots whereas the camerawork used in the present may be a little more shaky including more quickly cut close up shots of action (e.g fingers fumbling) and point of view shots 
  • the lighting will differ between settings, either lighter in the past and darker in the present or more vibrant in the past and more dull in the present. either way i want the darkened threatening lightening of the present shots to reflect the intense thrilling action that is happening.


  • at the most there will be around three characters, to keep the focus centred on the protagonist
  • PROTAGONIST - can be male or female -  mid/early twenties or late teenager (18 or 19) - appearance does not necessarily matter as long as there is a definite between a scruffy, rough, desperate look for shots in the present and a more well manicured perfected pristine look for the shots in the past
  • ANTAGONIST - can be male or female - older than the protagonist, an adult, appearance should be threatening, perhaps subtly dark make up, dark clothing and a scruffy, tough/rough appearance
  • FAMILY MEMBERS / FRIENDS- (optional) could be included in the background of the shots of the past but would not be crucial parts and what ages and how many of them does not necessarily matter


  • I aim to include titles of all the actors and production units but would not like to reveal the title of the film until the end of the opening sequence, cutting the action with the shot of the title probably timed with an ominous cinematic boom swell
  • the fonts I'm interested in are as follows: i'm looking for a plain edgy stylish angular look with my fonts, nothing too dramatic but still ominous at the same time. i liked these fonts in particular as they seemed to convey the presence of something ominous as well as being urban and edgy which fits in with the style of my film opening sequence.


  • dialogue will be included in the interaction between the family members/friends in the past shots and possibly a voice over will be included depending on how practice shots of these sound.
  • non diegetic soundtrack will be used in my opening though i'm not entirely sure how it will sound, probably a beat-like sound 
  • However I'm also keen to keep the sound effects of what is happening in the scene ( e.g running footsteps, glass smashing etc) 
  • the soundtrack will parallel to my action on the screen, as the action increases, so will the tempo of the soundtrack and the volume.
  • I'm keen to keep the footage with no soundtrack at the beginning and just use the natural sounds of the scene perhaps enhanced with foley sound but possibly for the title sequence non diegetic sound effects could be used to create a sense of suspense and tension


  • My target audience aims to be 16-24 year olds, the film may appeal to people older or younger than that, in fact most crime drama thrillers and social realism thrillers are aimed at 15-40 year olds
  • this also applies to my film and so it can be aimed at 15-40 year olds but I suspect that the age range that would be most interested in it would be 16-24 year olds
  • From looking on the BBFC website, i think my film would classify as a certificate 15

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