Monday, 6 October 2014

Group work - first task - THE PACKAGE


THE PACKAGE is my first group task for Media Studies. Each group was given the same objective: to create a film with the narrative of a package arriving and being placed on site at school, we were able to  form our own story though.
Once we had decided on our plot for the film we got to filming, making sure that everyone had a go at being in front of the camera and behind it. We figured out that for each scene and shot, we had to film several takes from different angles and perspectives in order to have enough footage to put together a 1 or 2 minute clip; in order to put together a slick film you have to film more then edit down so you end up with a film that doesn't in fact use all the footage. However, we found this concept difficult; often getting too impatient to reshoot certain scenes or not having enough time. We tried to use a range of techniques for filming, allowing each person's 'vision' of the scene to come through their shot whilst still making the film coherent and flowing.
Editing was some what simpler, although it was difficult for us all to decide on each transition and music choice when we found have preferred to make our own choices for our own film. We aimed to keep the editing simple so that it looked more professional but with a comic twist (the audience are meant to laugh) by making it slightly overdramatic especially with the use of tension building music that we used from copyright free sites. One the whole however, we were proud of our end product, considering it was our first task.